
$25: Join and discover your new community.


$50: Revel in the stars! Plus, receive a VLA Member T-shirt.


$100: Connect with your inner astronomy aficionado and add an additional guest to your explorations.

Star Cluster – Jansky Society

$250: Join our core supporters who share a commitment to the VLA and making a difference in STEM Education. Enjoy an exclusive Jansky Society Baseball Cap and Logo Pin.

Pulsar – Jansky Society

$500: Join our core supporters who share a commitment to the VLA and making a difference in STEM Education. Bring an additional guest to the VLA with you.

Quasar – Jansky Society

$1,000: Make an even bigger difference: Join our core supporters at this level and enjoy a private VIP Tour of the Very Large Array.

Supernova – Jansky Society

$5,000: Expand your impact and make waves. Experience the wonder of the cosmos with a private Star Party for your friends and family.

Galaxy – Jansky Society

$10,000: Make the most impact. Join our most ardent supporters. Members at this tier receive an invitation to lunch with the Director.

Supporting the Next Gen Learning Center at the VLA and STEM Education Programs

Help support our STEAM education programs! All donations by June 30th will go directly towards the Mobile Planetarium Campaign.